Save time this school year with engaging
K-12 lessons
Simplify your lesson planning with engaging K-12 lessons, videos, and activities. Access 20+ formative assessment and dynamic media tools for instant insights.
Deliver dynamic and active learning experiences with Nearpod
Explore our comprehensive standards-aligned Lesson Library expertly created to assist in achieving your instructional goals.
Whether you're new to Nearpod, a seasoned pro, or stepping into the classroom for the first time—we have you covered!
Check out these resources for a great first week back, and beyond:
Digital literacy skills is important because it empowers students to thrive in an era of rapid technological advancement by safely and effectively utilizing technology.
Jump right into ready-to-launch lessons, activities, and videos designed for your specific subject area and grade level.
Hear why teachers consider Nearpod a classroom game changer:
See every student this school year with Nearpod